It's a transient existence….

Archive for the ‘Mundane Stuff’ Category

Are you on wireless??


12 x 12 = 144…
The number of mls of rain that have fallen on our place since sunday also = 144.
Our driveway has turned into a creek…
The lawn is ankle deep…
The garden beds look like rice paddies…
The amount of muck sitting on lawn is getting worse by the day – all getting washed from the paddocks behind down towards the river…
Our road still open at this point in time…several in the area already closed
Bet anything the people who live just a couple of kms down are very glad their house is on stilts…
Very glad we live on a crest….
I’m not quacking yet…

A very PC Christmas

Getting in early…

Two Topless Strippers

Yes, GOF, thought you would appreciate this…

Tax is so enthralling….

Should be thinking tax – zoned out…
gotta love being stuck in a computer room rather than a standard classroom…

Saturday night

And it’s raining…gotta love the sound of steady rain on a corrugated iron roof – it’s ever so soothing.
Did get the rain gauge sorted out yesterday – little bit of ingenuity and a few inches of tie wire and it is now attached to a star post on the front fence.
Has been a relatively lazy day – spent a couple of hours this afternoon immersed in the joys of the Trade Practices Act (you’re not missing anything Snowy) followed by a well-deserved nanna nap…*zzzzzz* (Recommended reading for anyone who suffers from insomnia – not even the coffee I had while reading could keep me awake.)
Invested in what used to be known as a Totem Tennis game for the kids yesterday. Not sure what they call them now but it is exactly the same as the one we had when we were kids. Amazingly enough it has kept all 4 entertained rather well – they had a challenge going last night until it got dark and the girls were out there playing from well before I got up this morning at 8am. Even better, no chance of the ball either landing in a gutter or breaking a window – and no arguments over who has to go over into the paddock to fetch a wayward ball as happens when they play cricket. $19 and no technology involved – great investment!
Miss 9 ever so excited this afternoon. She received some money for her birthday last month and with some of it bought some seeds for the garden – carrot and watermelon seeds. Over the moon to discover the watermelons have now started growing – the seedlings all of an inch high. Will be a while before we are eating watermelons but the mere fact they have sprouted reason enough for Miss 9 to declare herself a fantastic gardener. Can’t wait until we actually have fruit – am sure the occasion will be worthy of major celebrations.
Master 15 is on the SRC at his school. On Thursday he brought home a poster made by the teacher in charge to promote a fundraising event they are having on Friday next week. I pointed out that not only had the teacher included spelling mistakes on the poster she also had the date wrong for the friday. (He hadn’t noticed any of the errors.) Is it just me or shouldn’t teachers be able to spell? Apparently when he pointed the mistake out to her on friday she just told him not to worry about it….guess I should be glad she isn’t an english teacher….
Off to sit on the front verandah with a coffee to watch the rain…

Extremely Non-PC contribution for today

Someone’s bright idea….

A sign on a bottle shop in Kerala, South India.

Some of the great disappointments….

1. Discovering someone else has “finished” the jar of vegemite on the morning when you desperately want vegemite toast.
Now, I only use a scraping of the stuff – a smidgen on the end of the knife more than adequate. The jar, currently sitting on the side filled with water awaiting washing up, still displays clear signs of enough of a scraping on the inside to keep me happy. Apparently our resident ghost is becoming super efficient – no one living here put the water in it. It might have been the cat….

2. Finishing the 3rd of a particular author’s books, loving it, then discovering she has only written three!! I finished Sue Walker’s The Dead Pool last night – The Reckoning and The Reunion I finished some time ago. Want to read more of her work…there isn’t any. Yet. Typical.

3. Spending hours mowing and getting lawn and yard looking immaculate only to wake up the next morning and discover Mother Nature has decided that wind is going to be the order of the day. Mr CC currently ranting and raving about the state of the lawn and the leaves that have now covered most of it. (He doesn’t win arguments with me, he sure as hell isn’t going to get anywhere arguing with Mother Nature – she’s a bigger bitch than I could ever possibly hope to be.)

4. Being 7 years old, eating all your dinner with the promise of dessert and being served fruit salad rather than the hoped for ice cream. (Since I only ever buy ice cream at Christmas, or whenever I have a particular craving, the chances of it appearing on a thursday night in a random week highly unlikely. Just hoping it is in the freezer isn’t actually going to mean it is really there.) Apparently she had already had her 2 serves of fruit yesterday – apple and banana in lunchbox – so figured I wouldn’t be mean enough to insist she has more. I gather she wasn’t overly pleased to see there were an apple and a banana going into lunchbox again this morning judging by the mutterings being emitted when it was being prepared.

Holidays are over…

Back into it all today….
Kids out the door at 7.30 for their bus – not yet awake, the next hour is going to be fun in this house.
Me out the door at 8.
3 hours of a management accounting class followed closely by a 3 hour budgeting principles class.
Should be highly entertaining.
One has made a cherry coconut slice to take along to share for morning tea – it could well be the highlight of the whole day.

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